Thursday, December 20, 2007

Oh What The Fuck.

Some thoughts I've had in the past hour:

1.) Superbad is such an awesome fricking movie. Especially the
second time around.

2.) Dear My Social Life,
I'm sorry I have neglected you. Please take me back.


3.) There is exactly 9 days left till I turn 20. (Where the heck did
my teenage years go?)

4.) Man I'm broke.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Been Awhile

I haven't written anything here for what is coming up to be 3 weeks now - mainly because I haven't focused on any particular issue that I wanted to write about - but hopefully that will change soon enough. You, the imaginary reader I sometimes pretend to write to, probably don't care, but hey, I gotta start practicing somewhere right?

I don't quite know what to shape this blog out to be: at first, I wanted it to be more a personal video gaming blog regarding my opinions over news, games, reviews, editorials, etc., but then quietly slipped into a smorgasbord of my own life, wants, needs, things like that. Not to mention the chance it gives me to vent out certain topics on my mind that I wouldn't normally convey in conversation.

Either way, I need to shape this place up a bit. Expect changes, and more un-regularly scheduled updates.